Daily TimeTable for Foreign Students

Qualifying Test (QT) for International


The dates of the upcoming QT (tentative) are shown below:
QT 考試日期如下:

QT Date (Tentative暫定): 13 Jan 2010
QT 考試日期

Registration Period: 25 Nov - 23 Dec 2009



The QT fee is S$200 (inclusive of GST).
QT 學費是S$200 (包含消費稅)

QT applicants are required to provide a photocopy of the following supporting documents:


For Applicant報名人 :
1. Birth Certificate 出生證明書
2. Data page of passport 護照
3. Deed poll (if any) 契據 〔若有的話〕

For Applicant's Parent報名人家長:
1. Data page of passport 護照
2. Deed poll (if any) 契據 (若有的話)
3. Employment pass/ Work permit (if any)
工作準證 〔若有的話〕


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